Collection: Junichi Nishida (Nishida Orchard)

Producer: Junichi Nishida Production area: Gyokuto-cho, Tamana-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture Main products : Peaches, honey rosa (plums), Taishu persimmons, gold kiwi , etc. No use of pesticides No use of fertilizers

<"Moon Reading Fruits" harvested according to the phases of the moon>

Nishida has been engaged in natural fruit cultivation in Gyokuto Town, Kumamoto Prefecture since 2006.
For many years, they have been engaged in the natural cultivation of fruit trees such as peaches, honey rosas (plums), Taishu persimmons, and gold kiwis, something that was once said to be "impossible" to do without pesticides.

Taking on the challenge of natural fruit cultivation, something that was once thought to be "impossible"

Nishida returned to his hometown of Kumamoto in 2000 and began working in the orchard as the successor to his family's orchard. He originally started out without knowing anything about natural farming.

I spray chemical fertilizers and pesticides every day as if that were the normal thing to do. However, as I continued to do this, I began to have doubts about the large amounts of pesticides I was using.

"Pesticides are sprayed dozens of times. I wouldn't want to eat fruit that has a lot of that pesticide on it." Nishida gradually began to feel that way. While he was on the lookout for environmentally friendly agriculture, a series of connections led to his encounter with Purely. Nishida's first step towards natural farming was when he "started to have doubts about the pesticides and fertilizers that are used as if they were a matter of course."

"At first I was surprised, thinking, 'Natural farming without the use of pesticides or fertilizers. There's a farming method like this!' But then I began to feel strongly that, since I'd come back to my hometown of Kumamoto, I wanted to practice natural farming that is kind to both the environment and people."

After meeting Purely, Nishida began practicing natural farming in small areas in 2007.

The "insects" are employees of Nishida Orchard

Nishida's gold kiwis are grown without the use of any pesticides or fertilizers, starting from the seedlings. They are grown entirely through natural cultivation.

Fruit trees are naturally susceptible to damage from insects and diseases, and large amounts of pesticides and fertilizers are generally used. At Nishida Orchard, which practices natural cultivation, naturally living "insects" play an active role instead of pesticides and fertilizers.

"Because I don't use pesticides, a diverse range of creatures live in my orchard. For example, the newly hatched spiders prey on mites and other insects that harm the peaches."

In the world of conventional farming, insects are considered pests and are thoroughly exterminated using pesticides. However, Nishida says that insects are "the employees of Nishida Orchard," and he cultivates his orchard in harmony with nature.

Nishida recreates a natural environment in his orchard where living things and plants coexist and life is diverse. He also practices biodynamic farming, which involves mowing, pruning, and harvesting in accordance with the phases of the moon. Fruits grown using this method are extremely popular nationwide, known as "Tsukiyomi Fruits."