The rice grown using spring water from Maekawa Spring, one of Kumamoto's 100 famous water sources, is sweet and soft, and has a beautiful luster when cooked.
"What prompted me to start growing rice using natural farming methods was getting married and having children."
Standing in front of the lush green rice fields, Hara began to speak calmly.
Until his father's generation, Hara-san grew rice using conventional farming methods that used pesticides and fertilizers.
Hara's naturally cultivated rice field.
It is located in a beautiful location surrounded by the clear waters of the Kikuchi River.
However, after the birth of his child, Hara himself became interested in natural farming, wanting to feed his child safe food.
"My wife is the sister of Yuki Koike, who also grows rice in Shichijo, and Koike's father has been growing rice using natural farming methods since back then, so that was also an influence."
The rice plants are growing nicely.
Each grain of naturally grown rice is strong and densely packed.
The struggle to weed under the scorching sun
Although I started natural farming by imitating others, it was really difficult at the beginning.
"Anyway, weeds such as barnyard grass grew in the rice fields, and we had to continue weeding them by hand under the scorching heat of midsummer."
An elderly woman passing by sometimes calls out to me, saying, "If you use weed killer, it would only take five minutes."
"My father told me to do it in a corner, because the grass is too noticeable.
Still, we continued in this small space for four or five years.
Gradually, weeding techniques using snails and ducks began to be established, and things started to get easier."
Once the weed control problem was solved, it became possible to grow rice on a large scale without fertilizer or pesticides, and the area of land used for natural cultivation was gradually increased.
Hara's naturally cultivated rice fields, where snails live.
The snails naturally eat the weeds and coexist with the rice.
Awarded the highest rating of "Special A" in the taste ranking for nine consecutive years
Hara's naturally grown rice is made with spring water from the Maekawa River source, one of Kumamoto's 100 famous waters.
Groundwater springs from 38 meters underground and flows into the entire rice field, so no household wastewater is mixed in.
It is a famous spring where many people come to collect drinking water.
Every year from May to June, fireflies come in large numbers and light up the area.
The river snails that fireflies feed on can only be found in places with clean water.
They live in large numbers in irrigation canals, which provides an ideal environment for producing safe rice.
Spring water from the Maekawa River headwaters flows into the irrigation canal.
The red spider lilies are in full bloom.
"Shichijo rice is delicious."
Since the Edo period, rice from Shichijo-cho in Kikuchi City has been known as a "producing area of delicious rice."
One of the reasons for this is that the water from the Maekawa river headwaters is rich in minerals from the granite upstream.
It is also said that the fact that it grows in a type of soil called sandy loam is a major factor.
The sandy loam soil, which has a layer of pebbles in it, contains plenty of granite minerals that are ideal for growing rice. Spring water and sandy loam.
Thanks to the harmony of these two, Shichijo rice from Kikuchi City, Kumamoto Prefecture has been awarded the highest rating of "Special A" in the taste rankings for nine consecutive years.
Hara's naturally grown rice is packed tightly together.
Rice farming passed down through three generations
It is said that naturally grown rice is less susceptible to insects and diseases.
However, growing crops without pesticides carries a high risk of failing to produce a good harvest, and there is no guarantee to make up for any reduced yield.
"This year, following on from last year, the autumn planthoppers arrived and I was very worried about whether the harvest would go well."
A normal farmer would disinfect the produce.
However, Hara does not use any pesticides or fertilizers, and continues to insist on natural cultivation using only the power of the sun, water, and soil.
"All we do is manage the water and then just keep an eye on it. We just hope that no insects come every year."
As he spoke, Hara's eyes as he looked at the rice paddies were filled with infinite gentleness.
Hara standing in front of a naturally grown rice field.
We will continue to be pioneers in naturally grown rice.
Recently, his son Yasunobu got married and his wife now helps out on the farm.
"This land has been passed down from my grandfather to my father, and from my father to me.
I want to continue to care for the soil so that we can pass this land on to the next generation and do my best to produce rice for many years to come."
From now on, they plan to focus on processed products such as homemade rice crackers made from naturally grown rice.
We look forward to seeing more of Hara-san's success as a pioneer of naturally grown rice in Shichijo Town.
Hara's naturally cultivated rice field.
The air and the sky just feel so good.
Hara's naturally grown rice. Available now at a special trial price!!
Hara-san has been cultivating rice without pesticides or fertilizers for over 30 years, and his naturally grown rice is available to purchase at an affordable trial price.
Hara's naturally grown rice, which is famous for Shichijo rice and has been cultivated naturally for many years, is very popular nationwide.
"I'd like to try naturally grown rice, but the price is a bit high..."
This is recommended for those who would like to try naturally grown rice at a reasonable price.
Why not take this opportunity to try Purely's naturally grown rice? 
*The sale of Hara's naturally grown rice at a trial price may end without notice.
Please note.
◇Purely's commitment to naturally grown rice
◇ At Purely, we only deliver naturally grown rice from trusted natural farms in Kyushu.
All naturally grown rice we deliver meets the following three conditions.
1. No pesticides or fertilizers (chemical or organic) are used.
2. The seeds used are all naturally grown rice that farmers continue to collect themselves.
3. We only use naturally grown rice that has a history of 3 years or more in natural cultivation fields (natural cultivation history in rice fields).
Our production staff meets with each farmer, sees the rice fields in person, and checks the field and production history.
After repeated quality checks and investigations into production history, we purchase directly from contracted natural farming farmers in Kyushu who we can trust and rely on.
In addition to simply purchasing produce, we also serve as the Kyushu Block Secretariat of the National Natural Farming Extension Association and regularly hold study sessions, discussion meetings and lectures on natural farming for farmers.
We also offer agricultural tours and natural life schools for consumers, including rice planting, rice harvesting, mochi pounding, and other agricultural support tours, in an effort to promote natural farming and natural lifestyles.
At Purely, we aim to spread the worldview of natural farming by working together as a trinity of consumers, producers, and distributors, and to realize a sustainable society in harmony with nature.